David Goldfield’s Home on the Web

Hello, and welcome to my home on the Web. The purpose of this page is to showcase my professional work, my blog and other things as they’re added.

Visit my Blog to read my thoughts on a variety of topics including assistive technology and Catholicism.

Visit my public LinkedIn profile to learn about my career of over thirty years of service working in the assistive technology space.

If you need training or support using your assistive technology I might be able to help.
I’m very active on Mastodon. Follow me to read my posts and say hello.
Visit my about Me page to learn … about me.

Organizations I Support

Software I Use for Windows

Apps I Use on iOS

A lot of people wonder “how does a blind person use a computer or smartphone?” If you’re curious about how I do what I do, the above link may give you a clear answer.

Whether you’re new to assistive technology or are a seasoned expert, we all need a little bit of help now and then. The following link provides a list of various free resources to get that much-needed assistance.
Select the following link to learn about the mailing lists which I operate.

Please contact me if you have comments or questions about anything you see on my page. I’d love to hear from you and I’ll respond to all messages.

Please feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you.