Tenant Engagement Manager

JOB SUMMARY: We are seeking an experienced and dynamic Tenant Engagement Manager to oversee our Tenant Engagement Strategy 2022 to 2025. The successful candidate will also lead on developing future Tenant Engagement Strategies in line with Tuath’s ethos and values which encompass the promotion of a tenant led service. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing a team of Tenant Engagement Officers across multiple locations in Ireland. The role requires a strong communicator with experience in developing and implementing tenant engagement strategies, leading teams, and working collaboratively with colleagues and external stakeholders.   KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: TENANT ENGAGEMENTImplement and manage Tuath’s tenant engagement strategy 2022 to 2025, ensuring that it is aligned with the organisation's overall goals and objectives.Develop future Tenant Engagement strategies and policies to promote and enhance tenant services within Tuath.To provide information including statistics on tenant engagement activities to the Board of Directors and its Sub-committees as required.Oversee and manage a team of Tenant Engagement Officers in multiple locations across Ireland.Work closely with internal departments to ensure a coordinated approach to tenant engagement and involvement.Ensure all tenant engagement activities are effectively communicated to tenants through a variety of channels, including social media, newsletters, and tenant meetings.Develop and manage budgets for tenant engagement activities and ensure that they are within budget.Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of tenant engagement activities, identifying areas for improvement and making recommendations for change.Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines related to tenant engagement and involvement.Monitor and manage the work plan as set out in the Strategic to ensure timelines are met.Monitor and manage the TE engagement team performance against KPI’s.To provide ideas, support and advice to Tenant Engagement Officers in co-ordinating tenant events.Work collaboratively with external stakeholders, including community groups, local authorities, and other housing associations.To identify funding and complete grant applications for community development with Resident Associations or on behalf of Tuath to promote and support tenant engagement.Represent Tuath Housing at conferences, meetings, network events in relation to Housing Associations and Tenant Engagement. Deliver presentations on behalf of Tuath Housing relating to Tenant Engagement. Provide input into the Strategic and Operational Business plans for Tenant Engagement. Provide support and facilitations to other departments.Provide detailed reports in relation to Tenant Engagement Activity and TE Strategy implementation to the Head of Housing & Communities and the Director of Housing Services & Communities.To work with the TEO’s to promote, establish and maintain Regional Tenant Forums & a National Tenant Forum.Co-ordinate and oversee Service Improvement Panels.ESTATE DEVELOPMENT/ TENANT PARTICIPATIONAssisting residents to set up appropriate structures to optimise the involvement of residents in their scheme. Providing information on external agencies, whose services may be of benefit to tenants.Assist in the organisation and delivery of pre-tenancy programmes.Carry out post tenancy work, including providing advice and information on good practice in setting up a Residents Associations Produce annual estate action reports and plans.  COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETINGKeep Tuath Housings website populated with up-to-date information relating to Tenant Engagement. Provide social media information (Twitter / Facebook). Contribute to internal and external publications when required e.g., Tenant Magazine. Provide statistical data, information, and testimonials for annual report.  CORPORATE RESPOSIBILITIES To positively promote the Association in all activities Adhere to all Tuath’s policies and procedures.To be aware and act in accordance with Tuath’s Health and Safety Policy.Complete reports/ submissions for Tuath’s Board meetingsTo undertake any training courses deemed necessary for your role as it evolves. ADMINISTRATIONCarry out all administrative functions as required. GENERALMaintain an accurate up to date and detailed record of work in a format which will not only facilitate supervision by the Head of Housing & Communities, but will be an aid to continual evaluation and monitoring. To hold regular meetings with Housing & Communities to discuss objectives and progress. Attend regular team meetings to ensure all staff are kept informed of progress. Undertake training as and when required. Maintain an accurate up to date record of work and initiatives. Undertake such other reasonable duties as may from time to time be required.  HEALTH & SAFETY To conduct all activities in a manner, which is safe to yourself and others. To be aware and act in accordance with the Association’s Health and Safety Policy.  ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS:3rd Level qualification in the area of Community Development or Housing Management OR 5 years’ experience in housing sector in a community development role or tenancy engagement roleExperience of successfully delivering an excellent customer service.Experience in managing teams, developing and implementing strategies, and monitoring and evaluating outcomes (Desirable)Up to date knowledge of housing sector, best practice and relevant regulation and legislation in terms of tenant engagement.Computer literacy with experience that includes excel, word, spreadsheets, presentation packages, e-mail, electronic schedulers, and internet. Strong communication, leadership & interpersonal skillsAbility to work with accuracy and attention to detail Data Analysis to evidence and present KPI’s Knowledge of community funding mechanisms and 3rd party support agencies from the community sectorAbility to conduct work planning and prioritise to optimise performance of a team (Desirable)Ability to allocate resources and responsibilities within a team to deliver business results Manage internal and external team relationships  Ability to be self-motivated and work on own initiative and be part of a team The ability to handle sensitive and confidential information A high level of organisational skills and the ability to prioritise workload and meet deadlines Possess commitment to deliver a high-quality customer focused service Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues, external stakeholders and tenants.A commitment to equality, diversity & inclusion.Willingness to work outside normal office hours on occasions Full, clean driving licence and daily use of car. Where prevented from this due to a disability the candidate must be able to demonstrate how they will meet the mobility requirements of the post This job description is not definitive or restrictive and will be subject to periodic review in the light of developments. This role will involve regular evening work and travel and occasional weekend work.

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