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LAB-Net - february 2023


20 years of expertise


A passion and fascination for microbiology. Dr. Biljana Kakaraskoska Boceska, LAB-Net researcher, has a rich experience of 20 years in the
field and is still as enthusiastic as ever. “Extending my knowledge and network in the field of AMR, including important insights of the whole genome sequencing, is also a part that I especially enjoy”. Biljana plays a key role in building capacity in the East-European part of the LAB-Net network. Read more.  

LAB-Net's role in POS-Disease X study

LAB-Net will serve as a central laboratory and biobank for
ECRAID-Base’s Perpetual Observational Study (POS)
Disease-X. The study aims to evaluate the use of a generic
protocol for enrolling immuno-compromised patients in an observational study for any unexplained febrile illness with unusual clinical presentation and/or epidemiology and of likely viral aetiology. Discover more.

ECCMID 2023 - Visit us!

LAB-Net will present breakthrough findings at the 33rd edition of ECCMID. They include: Collateral fitness and pathogenicity effects on Pseudomonas aeruginosa after antibiotic exposure, Geospatial factors preeminently shape the global genome profiles of Staphylococcus aureus ST398 and Laboratory management including external quality assessment. Dive deeper into these topics with us during our presentations.  

LAB-Net part of EPOXI study

The European randomised clinical trial on mPOX Infection (EPOXI)
aims to determine the effect of different treatment and management options on the outcomes of human mpox infections. LAB-Net is responsible for providing material to all of the investigational sites for the sample collection and is finalising the Sample Collection and Management Manual. Read more.

COMBACTE-CDI publications

The last pillar of the COMBACTE network has published two new papers on a European survey on Clostridioides difficile research. LAB-Net distributed the COMBACTE-CDI Questionnaire, developed by Leeds University, and closely followed up the status of completion. Read the first and second paper.



ECCMID 2023, 15 - 18 April, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Herman Goossens
Mark Esser 
EFPIA co-lead
LAB-Net program management office
University of Antwerp 
Laboratory of Medical Microbiology
+32 3 265 2551