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Hand In Hand Zimbabwe
Hand In Hand Zimbabwe


This TOR sets the requirements for the supply, installation, commissioning, and after-sales services for Off-Grid Solar PV for the Hand in Hand Zimbabwe Country Office in Bulawayo.  


1.0        Background

Hand in Hand Zimbabwe (HIHZIM) is a registered NGO under PVO ACT no: PVO 13/19 and has its Headquarters in Bulawayo. Operations of the organization has not been spared by the current power outages that are affecting business operations in the country. The organization therefore seeks to hire a competitive solar firm to assess power requirements of the organization and install aa alterative solar system to power the country office. As a business, one of the highest overhead costs facing the organization is the cost ad unreliability of electricity. The organization’s reliant on the commercial power grid also means that we subject to electric rate fluctuations. Sudden price increases add uncertainty to our business, especially to cash flow management. The organization has decided that it’s time to lessen that load and look at how to benefit from solar system installation.


2.0        Purpose of the Solar System

The aim of the project is to install solar system with specifications below that will be implemented to provide the energy and power requirements for Hand In Hand’s select site, complying with International Electro-technical standards. The proposed project should create savings through solar, reduce the hours and load on grid and generators reducing maintenance and running costs.


3.0       Scope of the project


The scope of the project includes:

Design, supply, installation, testing commissioning and user training of:


4.0 Overall Project Objective and specific objectives

4.1 Overall Project Objective

The overall objetive of the project is for ”Hand in Hand Zimbabwe to be an efficient organization utlizing green energy in a way that the organization is financially profitable energy sustainable and has no power outage disruptions.

4.2 Specific Objectives

  1. To improve power supply at the work premises due to power outages .
  2. To reduce and or eliminate electricity utility costs
  3. To create energy independence


5.0        Functionalities and general requirements:

OFF Grid Photovoltaic power system with battery to consist of PV generator, module mounting structure, MPPT battery charger, battery inverter, surge overvoltage protection, LiFePO4 battery bank with BMS battery Management system, data logger with its sensors, and system monitoring via GSM/Ethernet.


6.0 Summary of System Specifications 


6.1 Summary of system size

The site is reported to have a peak of 3.6kW and requires a 12-hour autonomy from the battery storage. Below is a short summarized sizing table for the solution.










Hours  used            TOTAL Energy/Wh
Server 2500 1 2500       12 30000
Lights 7 15 105        9 945
Flood lights 50 2 100       12 1200
Flood lights 30 2 60       12 720
Refrigerator 300 1 300       12 3600
Smaller refrigerator 100 1 100       12 1200
Scanners 30 3 90 9 810
Printers 500 1 500 9 4500
Smaller printer 300 4 1200 9 10800
Laptops 50 30 1500 9 13500
Wifi Router 40 1 40 9 360













Constant Load/Kw 3.165
Total Hours 12
Inverter size 8kWAC
Total Battery Energy Required 34.9 kWh
PV DC Capacity       8.280 kW
 Battery storage for 12 hours        34.90kWh
 Battery offered at 90% DOD


       38 kWh



6.2  Solar system design

The Solar design that Hand in Hand Zimbabwe desires should among other things have

  1. llustrated systems architecture
  2. Sequence of operation
  3. Technology to be deployed
  4. Key inverter specifications
  5.  Mounting Structure    
  6. Lightning Protection
  7. Monitoring System

7.0 Deliverables

Deliverables expected from the assignment include the following:

Deliverable 1: 

  1. Detailed Planned Schedule of works.
  2. Detailed site survey report, including:
    1. Identification for components’ location(s),
    2. Identification of best available climatic data to be used in system sizing (at least monthly values of solar irradiance and temperature),
  1. Review and calculation of consumption profile given by HiH Zimbabwe (appliances and daily use, including surge loads),
  2. Selection of a suitable mounting system that does not compromise the integrity of the roof/ground.
  1. Design sizing and documentation, including (where applicable):
    1. Site specific layout of the solar array.
    2. Appropriate sizing in piping lengths and sections for the entire installation.
  1. Shop Drawings (e.g. single line diagram, wiring layout including distances; protections; components etc.).
  1. A Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan.
  2. A description of the proposed performance and acceptance testing procedure that will be undertaken during commissioning phase.
  3. A letter certifying the compliance with requirements on warranties, spare parts and standards, etc.
  4. In case the PV modules are roof-mounted, supplier will take responsibility for structural integrity of the roof.

Deliverable 2: 

  1. Pre-assembling and wiring: mounting of inverters, controllers and the likes done as much as possible in a factory/lab environment.
  2. Supply and delivery of the equipment at supplier Monrovia warehouse with all components needed for project delivery and operation.

Deliverable 3: 

  1. Installation of complete Solar PV Plant with all components required for operation, and implementation of all related performance testing.
  2. Formal signed User Acceptance Test (UAT) and Commissioning of the Solar PV Plant, etc. Report shall be approved by the Project representatives beforehand. c) Submission of final Technical Report, inclusive of:
    1. As-built drawings,
    2. Technical description of the final solution
  1. Complete bill of materials (BOM), vi. Warranty certification/documentation for the main components.
  1. Submission of photos, videos and visual material of the final system installed.
  2. Training on Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the installed equipment for the organizations’ representatives (end users and beneficiaries’ staff maintenance crews) and provision of training materials and O&M manuals. Inclusive of:
    1. Basics on the Solar PV system commissioned (components and operation)
    2. Basic shutting-down procedures (in case it is necessary)
  1. A special focus should be on using the online monitoring system and troubleshooting of basic errors and problems that occur frequently.
  2. f) Signaling labelling:
  3. All components shall be labelled in English.
  4. Signs or labelling warning about safety hazards, e.g. smoking, water contact, etc. Emergency shutdown procedures (visual information) shall be provided.
  5. Panel with up keeping and operating instructions for the beneficiary shall be installed. g) Visual Material.

Deliverable 4: 

  1. System monitoring inclusive of reporting as part of the maintenance service.
  2. After-sales services of 1 year: including maintenance (preventative and corrective) and technical support (on-site and/or remote) including continued online monitoring. This is inclusive of appropriate escalation or system modification procedures.
  3. The awarded LTA vendor must remain at the disposal of the beneficiary for at least two months (stabilization period) after handover/commissioning to assist in answering any technical or other related questions.
  4. Warranty and O&M for 12 months:
  5. System Warranty: Required warranty period for all PV systems is 1 year from commissioning date. It should include monitoring, technical support and maintenance. This should be provided in the form of a warranty certificate/statement. During the referred warranty period, Bidder’s shall further bear the cost of transporting equipment from its operating site to workshop appointed for provision of warranty services ii. Warranty certification/documentation for the PV System Main Components including summary overview of warranty arrangements (technical and logistical).
    • Overview of available warranty extension options for main components.
  1. Cost associated with warranty replacements during the warranty period will be borne by the supplier.
  2. Cost associated with the maintenance and technical support for the PV system during maintenance subscription will be borne by the supplier.

8.0 Remote Monitoring: 

Remote monitoring: real-time & historical data with a storage capacity for main data (energy measurements, consumption data and alarms). The minimum parameters to be monitored are

(instantaneous and historical values)  Total energy (kWh) and power (kW) produced by PV

9.0        Timeframe

The assignment will be conducted from 12th – 29st December 2022.

Bidders that meet the requisite profile should send a Comprehensive Technical and Financial Proposal on or no later than 7th December 2022 to