In accordance with IEEE Bylaw I-307. Nominations and Elections, individual voting members may propose, by petition, names to be added to the ballot for the offices that appear on the IEEE annual election ballot.

In accordance with IEEE Constitution, Article XIV and IEEE Bylaw I-308. Amendments to IEEE Constitution and Bylaws, individuals may propose, by petition, amendments to the IEEE Constitution.

IEEE President-Elect Petition Process

Individual voting members may propose, by petition, names to be added to the IEEE Annual Election ballot for officer positions elected by the voting members for the coming term. 

IEEE will be responsible for informing members about the petition process and petitions available for signatures for the office of IEEE President-Elect. When there are petitions available for signatures, the information about the petitions will be included in the communications coordinated by IEEE. The pilot program's coordinated communications to the membership will replace the petitioner’s and their supporter’s promotions to gather petition signatures. Petitioners and their supporters shall not communicate to the membership about their petitions or candidates. The change will eliminate early campaigning by petitioners and their supporters. Successful petition candidates will be included in all IEEE organized candidate campaign activities and messages along with the IEEE Board of Directors nominated candidates.

  • Deadline for individuals to submit their intention to petition was 31 December 2023 by 12:00 noon ET (17:00 UTC-05)
  • Petition signature collection process ended on 12 April 2024 at 12:00 noon ET (16:00 UTC-04)

The collection of petition signatures will be online (electronically). The option to collect petition signatures via paper petition forms will not be offered. In addition, IEEE communications about the election during the “petition window” will provide information about the petition process and, when applicable, petitions available for signatures.

The intent is to strike a balance for nominated candidates and those who want a chance to run via petition while allowing the petition process to occur before candidate publicity begins.

The number of signatures required on a petition shall depend on the number of eligible voters, as listed in the official IEEE membership records at the end of the year preceding the election.

Email questions to IEEE Corporate Governance staff at

Petition Candidate Process on the Annual Election

Individual voting members may propose, by petition, names to be added to the IEEE annual election ballot for positions of the officers to be elected by the voting members or groups of voting members for the coming term. 

Individual voting members who wish to circulate a petition shall submit a petition draft to the Board of Directors no earlier than 1 May of the year preceding the election and no later than 15 April of the year of the election. The petition draft must be accompanied by a statement from the proposed candidate that he or she is willing to serve if elected (see IEEE Policies, Section 13.7.3.B.)

The number of signatures required on a petition shall depend on the number of eligible voters, as listed in the official IEEE membership records at the end of the year preceding the election.

IEEE Corporate Governance staff shall advise those intending to seek nomination by petition of the relevant campaigning guidelines approved by the IEEE Board of Directors. All individuals who are circulating a petition or who are successful petitioners shall follow the campaigning guidelines. Petitioners are bound by the principles and relevant provisions of IEEE's campaigning policies. However, they do not enjoy the privileges of candidates (such as an equal opportunity to present in IEEE conferences/meetings and publications) until they become official candidates.

Qualifications of petition candidates and procedures for the announcement, distribution, and approval of petitions shall be specified in the IEEE Policies.

  • Deadline for individuals to submit their intention to petition was 15 April 2024
  • Petition signature collection process will end on 10 May 2024 at 12:00 noon ET (16:00 UTC-04)

Email questions to IEEE Corporate Governance staff at


Petitions available for member signatures

Constitutional Amendment Petitions

Constitution Amendment petition process

Constitutional Amendments may be placed on the annual election ballot by the IEEE Board of Directors or by member petition.

Initiators of Constitutional Amendments shall be IEEE members in good standing who are eligible to vote in the annual election. An initiator shall submit in writing to IEEE a copy of the exact wording of the proposed Constitutional Amendment the initiator wishes to circulate for signature. In order to be effective, such submission shall be received at the office of the IEEE Executive Director no later than 12:00 noon ET on the Friday preceding 15 December of the year preceding the year in which the Constitutional Amendment, if qualified, shall appear on the IEEE Annual Election ballot. 

A petition must be signed by at least one-third percent of the total number of voting members as listed in the official membership records of the IEEE at the end of the previous year, but in no case shall the number be less than 100.


Proposed amendment review

A proposed Constitutional Amendment shall not conflict with IEEE’s Certificate of Incorporation, the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, or other legal or regulatory authority applicable to IEEE. Before an amendment to the Constitution is submitted to the voting members, it shall be reviewed by IEEE Legal Counsel for compliance.

The initiators of a Constitutional Amendment, and at their option and expense, their own legal counsel, shall work with IEEE Legal Counsel and the IEEE Secretary, with assistance from Corporate Governance staff, to strive to ensure that the proposed amendment’s is compliant and that its wording is clear, unambiguous, grammatically and stylistically correct, and pertinent to the subject matter of IEEE governance documents.

When following the foregoing cooperative process the wording of the proposed petition or a Constitutional Amendment is (i) determined to be compliant by IEEE Legal Counsel, reviewed by the IEEE Secretary, and approved by the IEEE Tellers Committee, it shall be considered the official petition language, or (ii) determined not compliant by IEEE Legal Counsel because it conflicts with the IEEE governing documents or other regulatory authority applicable to IEEE, then the proposed petition for Constitutional Amendment shall be rejected.

IEEE Corporate Governance staff shall advise those intending to propose an amendment to the IEEE Constitution by petition of the relevant campaigning guidelines approved by the IEEE Board of Directors. All individuals who are circulating a petition or who are successful in their petition shall follow the campaigning guidelines. Petitioners are bound by the principles and relevant provisions of IEEE's campaigning policies.

Petition qualifications and procedures for announcement, distribution, and approval of petitions shall be specified in the IEEE Policies.

Email questions to IEEE Corporate Governance staff at

Petition Deadlines at a Glance

31 December 2023
Last day for individuals to submit their intention to petition for IEEE President-Elect position by 12:00 noon ET/17:00 UTC-05.

15 March 2024
Deadline for OUs to submit their slate of candidates.

12 April 2024
Last day for receipt of petition signatures for IEEE President-Elect position by 12:00 noon ET/16:00 UTC-04.

15 April 2024
Last day for individuals to submit their intention to petition for all other office positions.